Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So I have been sick almost all winter. I usually just brushed it off by thinking I was just over reacting cause I always get nervous about getting sick. Well yesterday I woke up and I was extremely dizzy and not feel rested at all. The night before I kept having weird dreams and waking up suddenly and was really dizzy.

So anyways I was nervous and asked mom if I should be worried that I was dizzy. So I was told to call the doctors and see what to do. Well doc wanted me to come in last night, so I called out of work etc and had dad drive me to the docs. He had me lay down and took my blood pressure and then after like a min or 2 he had me stand up really fast and he took my blood pressure again and it dropped from 144 to 126.

So I'm now on meds for dizziness which in turn cure it, but make me so tired and today I slept for 5 hours waking up and not feeling rested at all..

I hope I get better soon.

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